



RANK Unranked Recruit Silver Gold Platinum Diamond
REQUIREMENTS >=1 WRF videos per month >=500 subscribers
>=500 Avg View per Month
>=2 WRF videos per month
>=1,500 subscribers
>=1,000 Avg View per Month
>=3 WRF videos per month
>=5,000 subscribers
>=5,000 Avg View per Month
>=3 WRF videos per month
>=15,000 subscribers
>=1,000 Avg View per Month
>=3 WRF videos per month
>=50,000 subscribers
>=50,000 Avg View per Month
>=3 WRF videos per month
Revenue Sharing
Access to Rewards & Tasks
Giveaways (Low Value)
Access to Creator Preview Server (When Available)
Join Creator Private Discord
Battle Pass
High-Value Twitch Drop rewards on Day 1*
Role on Official War Robots: Frontiers Discord
Premium Account 30-Days 30-Days 30-Days
Social Media Promotion* (For applicable videos)
Giveaways (Medium Value)
Exclusive In-Game Stickers Earth Relic "TV" Sticker Earth Relic “VHS” Sticker -
Select New Decal & Stickers on Release
Creator Spotlight Article(s)
Giveaways (High Value)
Select New Wraps & Paints on Release
Paints Exclusive “Scarlet” Paint



RANK Unranked Recruit Silver Gold Platinum Diamond
REQUIREMENTS >=2 Avg Viewers on Stream p/Month >=500 Followers
>=300 Monthly Stream Duration
>=2 Avg Viewers on Stream p/Month
>=480 Monthly Stream Duration
>=20 Avg Viewers on Stream p/Month
>=720 Monthly Stream Duration
>=30 Avg Viewers on Stream p/Month
>=960 Monthly Stream Duration
>=50 Avg Viewers on Stream p/Month
>=1500 Monthly Stream Duration
>=200 Avg Viewers on Stream p/Month
Revnue Sharing
Twitch Drops
Access to Rewards & Tasks
Giveaways (Low Value)
Access to Creator Preview Server (When Available)
Join Creator Private Discord
Battle Pass
High-Value Twitch Drop rewards on Day 1*
Role on Official War Robots: Frontiers Discord
Premium Account 30-Days 30-Days 30-Days
Social Media Promotion* (For applicable videos)
Giveaways (Medium Value)
Exclusive In-Game Stickers "On The Air" Sticker “Keyboard” Sticker -
Select New Decal & Stickers on Release
Creator Spotlight Article(s)
Giveaways (High Value)
Select New Wraps & Paints on Release
Paints Exclusive “Amethyst” Paint 



  • 🔝 = Requires Qualification

  • If eligible, creators will receive rewards for their rank and all lower ranks.

  • Some rewards will not be available until the official War Robots: Frontiers launch. Specifically:

    • In-game items, including the Battle Pass, will be sent upon the launch of the game.

    • Revenue Sharing is not currently available for War Robots: Frontiers. MY.GAMES will inform creators as to when it will be available and will work to enable their revenue sharing.

    • Social Media promotions and Creator Spotlights will only be available after the official War Robots: Frontier launch.

  • Promotions and Creator Spotlights are subject to content review. We cannot promote matured rated streams and/or videos due to the War Robots: Frontiers age rating (12+).


How are the monthly stats counted?
YouTube - Average Monthly Views

  • We take all videos published during a calendar month in UTC+0 timezone with a title containing 'War Robots: Frontiers' and count the views of each video during the first 7 days from the date of its publication.

  • We then calculate the average views by summing up all views of all videos published from the 1st to the last day of the month and divide by the number of videos.

YouTube - Subscribers

  • To calculate subscribers, we take the number of subscribers for a specific date.

  • For Current Month Rank - number of subscribers for a current date

  • Previous Month Rank - number of subscribers for the last day of previous month

Twitch - Monthly Stream Duration

  • Our system tracks all streams, where the game category is “War Robots: Frontiers”, every month.

  • Included in the data we track is the Stream duration, which is the number of minutes the stream was live for. 

Twitch - Average Monthly Viewers

  • Our system also tracks viewer counts, which is the number of viewers online on the stream for all streams where the game category is “War Robots: Frontiers”.

  • Specifically, the system counts the number of viewers on each stream, then sums it up, then divides by the number of streams.

Do YouTube live stream views count?
Live streams about War Robots: Frontiers with “War Robots: Frontiers” in stream category count as long as you make the recordings public after you finish the stream.

My stats in the Program are lower than in the platform analytics, why?
First of all, make sure you count the views for each video (published this month only) and only within the first 7 days of its publication. The monthly views you see in the program are not the views you see in the YouTube analytics for that month. Have a look at the answer to “How are the monthly views counted?” above for more details.

Secondly, make sure that you have “War Robots: Frontiers” written in the titles of your videos that are dedicated to War Robots: Frontiers. When this is not the case, the program may not account for these videos.

Stats for your current month start showing on the first day of the month. Stats for the previous month will also be updated on the first day of the month. 

My stats are stuck and the data in my Dashboard has not been updated. What should I do?
If your stats are not updating, you can contact a member of MY.GAMES staff for help at (please write to us in English).


When will I get my benefits?
After you reach Silver rank or higher, you'll start to receive rewards according to your rank. When the rank changes, so do the rewards. This means that if you reach Silver rank after the delivery, you won't get the Silver rewards that have been already delivered. Our staff sends monthly rewards on the 8th of every month. If the date falls on the weekend, they will be sent during the next working week.

It’s important to note that rewards are not sent automatically. MY.GAMES staff sends the rewards manually. We strive to send rewards to creators as quickly as possible each month but there may be instances when reward delivery is delayed. 

Can I change my game ID in the program to receive rewards for a different account?
Yes, you can. We collect all IDs currently in the system on the day when we send the rewards. Note: If you are in Gold rank or higher: when you change your in-game ID and platform in your profile - please notify MY.GAMES staff (Influencer or Community Manager) by email or Discord if you don't want to miss the upcoming rewards!

What is “Qualification”?
If you have reached the Gold rank and above after the current period is over (around the 8th day of each month), our team will review the content on your channel within 14 days to make sure that it is informative, varied, loyal to the brand and comparable to other channels that are putting thought, effort, and time into their content. This is called “Qualification”, and you will find your status in your Dashboard in the Creator Program.

This is an additional level of protection against fraudulent use and cheating the Content Creator Program algorithms, as well as another way for us to learn more about the content created by a particular creator.

Qualification status: Applied.
Your channel content is currently being reviewed. You can only receive Silver rank rewards until we finish.

Qualification status: Qualified.
Staff have reviewed your channel and are satisfied that your content is informative, varied, loyal to the brand and comparable to other channels that are putting thought, effort, and time into their content. You are now eligible to receive that rank’s rewards. 

Qualification status: Rejected.
Your channel has been reviewed and unfortunately does not meet the criteria mentioned above. You stay in the Silver rank and can only receive Silver rank rewards.

However, you still have a chance to try again. Once in a while we review all rejected channels again.

What can I do if my qualification status is “rejected”?
The most common reason for rejection is the quality of the content on the channel. For videos, try to add video editing, voiceover commentary or camera footage. Try different types of content, such as game guides. For streams, ensure you are engaging with your audience, talking during the streams, or have high quality captures.

When you are sure that you've improved your content and you feel ready to go through Qualification again, you can ask us for a fresh review of your channel at (please write your request in English).

I didn't receive rewards according to my rank. What should I do?
Firstly, make sure your channel has the required number of subscribers or followers. Secondly, make sure you have provided the correct player game ID. To ensure you have the correct ID, copy and paste it directly but make sure you log into the site using the same account you use to play War Robots: Frontiers. Thirdly, check the date when the rewards are due to arrive, as they will be sent on the next working day if the date falls on the weekend. Also, if you are Gold rank or higher, make sure that you're qualified. If your Qualification is rejected or its status is “applied for qualification”, you can only receive Silver rank rewards. If all these are in order, and you are expecting the exact rewards for your rank, you can contact Program support at (please write to us in English).

How do I join the Discord server or channels when I’m eligible?
If you have reached the rank where you are eligible to join the Discord and your Qualification status is “Qualified”, you will be invited to our special Discord channels by a message in the in-game news or a direct invitation from MY.GAMES staff. Follow the simple instructions and you will join the closed Discord server. Also make sure to have your correct Discord ID in your Creator Program Dashboard.


What are tasks?
Tasks are assignments given to creators by MY.GAMES staff. Tasks can be a wide variety of assignments. For example, a creator may be tasked to create a video covering a specific topic, hosting a giveaway, promoting an event or participating in a Twitch Drops campaign. Some tasks may even have rewards for completing them!

Where can I find the tasks assigned to me?
Tasks can be found in the War Robots: Frontiers Dashboard.

Do I have to complete all tasks?
Creators are not required to complete all tasks. Upon viewing the task in the War Robots: Frontiers Dashboard, you will have the option to accept or decline the task. Please note that if you decline a task, it will be removed from your Dashboard and you will not have the opportunity to accept it at a later date. 

Do all creators get the same tasks?
No, MY.GAMES staff have the ability to assign different tasks to different creators. However, you will often see a task being assigned to a large group of creators. 

How do I complete a task?
This is dependent on the task itself. When you view a task, you will see what the requirements are to complete it. Once you have completed the task, open it in the War Robots: Frontiers Dashboard and select the SEND RESULTS button. 

This will open a dialogue window where you can provide confirmation that the task has been completed by either providing a link to the video and/or stream or attaching a file. Once this information has been provided, hit the SUBMIT button to confirm the task was complete. 

Once you’ve submitted the results of the task, MY.GAMES staff will verify the results and, if the task is verified to be completed, send you any applicable rewards. 


How do I know that I am registered for the Creator Program?
Once you’ve applied, you can go to the Dashboard where you can see your application status. Please note that some games in our program do not have a review period and from the moment you register you are in the program. Other games require MY.GAMES staff to review your application before you are accepted to the program. 

Why do I need to log in with my MY.GAMES Account?
This is the easiest way to get specific account information from you without making our application form overly long. By logging in with your MY.GAMES account, it allows us to verify who you are and your account information.

Do I need to link my YouTube or Twitch channels?
Similar to needing a MY.GAMES account, this is the easiest way we can verify 100% that it is your channel with just one step. We have “read only” access to your channel, so that we can measure the performance of your channel precisely and send you the exact rewards you have earned. We will never use your channel data in any other way, it is only accessed and read by the algorithm of our program.

I don’t make content on YouTube or Twitch. Can I still get rewards?
Right now the Content Creator Program only supports rewards for creators who have a YouTube or Twitch channel. However, that doesn’t mean that we don’t support creators with other channels in other ways. Creators who do not have a YouTube or Twitch channel can still connect with the team, participate in exclusive events and, in some cases, receive in-game items. 

What if I make videos about other games on my channel?
Most games in our Content Creator Program do not require creators to exclusively create content for that specific game. But please note that some games, Rush Royal for example, do require creators to make exclusive focus on Rush Royale content on their channels participating in the creator program in order to increase their rank. Creators are not expected to exclusively feature War Robots: Frontiers on their channel(s).

Please note that only videos or streams related to War Robots: Frontiers will count towards your total rank. Don’t forget to include “War Robots: Frontiers” in the video / stream title, so that our system can tell them apart from other videos or streams and add their views to your monthly score.

NOTE: If you mark non-War Robots: Frontiers videos or streams with “War Robots: Frontiers”, we may have to remove your channel from the program.


General Guidelines

  • Creators are expected to follow the Terms of Service while playing and/or creating content for projects.

  • Creators do not have any special privileges pertaining to the rules or the Terms of Service in the game, on social media or on Discord servers. Creators are held to the same standards as all other players and if they are found violating the rules and/or the Terms of Service, they will be subjected to the same disciplinary actions as any other player would be.

  • Violating the Terms of Service may additionally result in being banned from the Content Creator Program.

  • Content must be compliant with the platform's Terms of Service (e.g. Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, etc.).

  • Creators are free to express their opinion in their content, but not in a toxic manner. They are free to express a negative opinion about the game if it is done in a respectful and logical manner. Rants, overly toxic behavior and/or negativity for the sake of negativity may result in disciplinary actions, which may include being banned from the Program.

  • Please be aware that "toxic behavior" is a subjective term, and cases of this behavior will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

  • We expect creators to actively create high quality content on a consistent basis. Creators who do not actively create content or their content does not match the requirements above may be subject to being removed from the Content Creator Program.

  • Do not mark non-War Robots: Frontiers videos or streams with “War Robots: Frontiers” titles. Doing so may result in the creator being banned from the Content Creator Program.

  • Creators must adhere to the Giveaway Rules & Restrictions.

  • Creators are strongly advised to take appropriate measures to protect themselves. This includes any personal information that may potentially be used to identify you in real life. It also includes information pertaining to your accounts whether that be your game account or channel account(s). MY.GAMES Staff will never ask for your password.

Giveaway Rules & Restrictions

  • Do not do giveaways / contests that are pay-to-enter. This includes giveaways that only those who have subbed to your Twitch channel can enter. This is an illegal practice in many countries and could result in your channel being suspended / banned from the platform. 

  • Do not host contests / events that only a closed group of players can participate in. For example, don’t do a giveaway that only members of your clan can participate in.

  • The winners should be chosen by specific criteria (if it's an art contest, for example) or by random draw. 

  • A player can only win once per broadcast. Basically, once they’ve won a code they are ineligible to win anymore codes in that specific broadcast.

  • Do not redeem the giveaways on your personal account.

  • No unfair contest / giveaway practices. For example, items for giveaways can't be given to friends or clanmates (only if they won them in a fair way).

  • Do not alter contest / giveaway rules after the contest / giveaway has begun.

  • Do not refuse to provide the prizes to rightful winners.

  • Do not "rig" contests/giveaways to have predetermined winners.

  • If you are able to do a giveaway, you can't participate in other giveaways.

I was banned from the Content Creator Program. What do I do now?
You can contact a member of staff by email to discuss or appeal your ban. Please note that staff are not obligated to re-review the ban or take any action. 

I still have questions about the Program.
Feel free to contact us at with any questions and suggestions (please make sure you write to us in English).